As fog lifts, view’s not encouraging

October 1, 2010

During the roughly six months since the federal takeover of health care was passed, some of the “fog of confusion” so memorably described by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi – whose talent for obfuscation gives new meaning to her hometown’s nickname, the “Fog City” – has indeed lifted, as she predicted.  Unfortunately, the picture that’s forming isn’t reassuring.  Let’s take a look at some specifics:

Has the heath care takeover lowered costs for families and for businesses?

No.  According to a recent Wall Street Journal report, “insurers have asked [state regulators] for premium increases of between 1% and 9% to pay for extra benefits required under the law, according to filings with state regulators. [Insurers] say Congress’s landmark refashioning of U.S. health coverage, which passed in March after a brutal fight, is causing them to pass on more costs to consumers than Democrats predicted.” – “Health Insurers Plan Hikes”, Wall Street Journal, September 8, 2010.

Will the health care takeover improve access to health care for children?

No.  According to the Los Angeles Times, many health insurance companies are dropping child-only policies, “because the new federal requirement could create huge and unexpected costs for covering children.” – “Big health insurers to stop selling new child-only policies”, Los Angeles Times, September 21, 2010.

Will the health care takeover lower health care costs?

No.  In fact, the new health care law will actually increase costs. The Obama Administration’s own Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services released a report that stated that the health care bill “will have negligible effects on total national health spending in the next 10 years.” In fact the report went on to say that health care spending will actually increase at a faster rate. – “Health Outlays Still Seen Rising”, Wall Street Journal, September 8, 2010.

(The new government report released by HHS says President Obama’s health care law will have negligible effects on total national health spending in the next 10 years, neither slowing nor fueling the explosive growth of medical costs.)

What seems clear as we learn ever more about the health care takeover is that the very premises for passing the law – to increase access and reduce costs – are not being honored as it begins to take effect.  And this is just the beginning.  America needs a plan that works, and on November 2, your vote for Nan Hayworth will be a step towards achieving that.  The choice, too, is clear.

Thank you all! Now for Phase Two.

September 16, 2010

The primary season is over, and Republicans have done me the immense honor of electing me their nominee for U.S. Congress by a 40-point margin! I will officially be on the Republican, Conservative, and Independence Party ballot lines in November, and with your continued support, I will bring the same strength of purpose and clarity of message to John Hall this fall!

(Click the following links to see countywide results for Putnam, Dutchess, Orange, Westchester, and Rockland.)

Now comes the really hard work.  We have to get our message out — not just to Republicans, but to everyone in the 19th District — about reviving the American economy through shrinking the size and scope of the federal government and getting Congress and the White House off the backs of American workers and employers. We know how that’s going to happen. For starters:

  • Cut taxes on individuals (to stimulate commerce) and businesses (to spur job creation).
  • Slash federal spending, starting with suspending the various failed “stimulus” packages and refusing any more bailouts.
  • Repeal/replace/defund the unconstitutional federal takeover of health care.

If we can return to a government that the Founders, in their wisdom, envisioned for us, we can return to a government that will allow our economy to thrive again, and our people to live in liberty.

I cannot thank you enough for your unfailing energy, enthusiasm, and faith this past year on the trail. Now we’ve got a scant seven weeks to build this momentum to an intensity that even Rep. Hall can’t ignore.  Our work is cut out for us; if we can all hold together through November, I’m ready to be your next Congresswoman!

Onward to victory, and once again: thank you!

More of the same is not what we need

September 10, 2010

The following is a statement from Nan Hayworth on the unveiling of President Obama’s new $50 billion stimulus package.

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Wrong direction, Mr. President!

September 10, 2010

“Remain calm!  All is well!”

When Chip Diller was famously trampled by the mob at the parade in the movie Animal House, he was yelling desperately in hopes of saving a Homecoming parade.  And that was funny.  But when the people supporting our Administration and Congress’s failed fiscal policy continually flail about in denial very much like Chip, as we’ve discussed on my Facebook page, it’s not funny anymore.

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If you drive into a wall, don’t blame the wall

August 22, 2010

Some observers from the left side of the political spectrum have been bending themselves into pretzels trying to explain why President Obama isn’t making headway with the American public in the midterm election campaign push.  Their efforts would be comical if they didn’t reflect a political philosophy that has cost us so dearly.

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Bad medicine

August 20, 2010

In December, 1799, President George Washington contracted a severe throat infection.  His doctors–distinguished experts all–treated him with calomel, to induce vomiting, and bloodletting.  When their patient’s condition deteriorated, they treated even more vigorously, giving more calomel and taking more blood in the hopes that this time they’d succeed.

George Washington died of dehydration, blood loss, and choking from the uncontrolled infection.  His very well-meaning physicians had actually hastened his death.

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Investigations, Madame Speaker?

August 18, 2010

The following is a press release from the Hayworth campaign, dated and distributed 18 Aug 2010.

Statement from Dr. Nan Hayworth regarding Nancy Pelosi’s recent comments:

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Answering the wrong question

August 17, 2010

President Obama recently made news by announcing that the building of a mosque on private property in lower Manhattan is an exercise in freedom of religion.  Apparently the fact that the private property is within only about 600 feet of 9/11’s Ground Zero took a while to enter the President’s consciousness, because it took him a day to walk back his remarks somewhat.  If he’d thought of it sooner, he might not have generated such a backlash that even New York Democrats have clammed right up when asked for reaction, and his own administration has disavowed his remarks.  Through it all, the President keeps missing why this controversy isn’t dying down.

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For another 75 years and beyond

August 14, 2010

Statement by Nan Hayworth on the 75th Anniversary of Social Security

Social Security represents the aspiration within the American character to do right by our neighbors and our fellow citizens.  When Social Security was signed into law 75 years ago, our government was prepared to finance the program responsibly.  Much has changed during the intervening decades to create an ever greater role for Social Security, and that in turn demands that we anticipate future needs so that we can continue this program that is critically important for tens of millions of Americans.

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“Desperation tactics” and “hypocrisy”

August 13, 2010

The following is a press release from the Hayworth campaign, dated and distributed 13 Aug 2010.

Statements from the Hayworth campaign regarding meritless accusations from John Hall:

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